Monday, February 7, 2011


Hello again!

I thought ya'll might like to see some of the gifts I gave away and some of the gifts I got. :)

These are some snowflake ornaments I made as gifts

These are wool mitts and in the cable is hand spun angora.

This yarn was given to me. I have plans to make a wrap out of one of them.

This is some marvelous alpaca that I got!! I dont have any idea what to make out of it yet.

Some more lovely alpaca.

And this is Angora!!

I thought you might like to see this little turtle I made for our puppy.

And to leave you with here are some lovely baby booties that I crocheted.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

Recap of 2010

Hello again!!

Its been quite awhile since my last blog, and being rather new to the blogging world I thought you might like to see some of what I did in 2010. I don't have pictures for all of it but I will do my best to tell you about my year. :)

This year was full of firsts for me. I learned alot of things which was awesome because aren't we always learning?  This year i learned how to spin on a drop spindle, I also learned how to make a center pull ball on my nostipinne, and i learned how to cable!I love cabling. I was able to go tom my first fiber festival and i loved it! i wish that i could have bought more but I wasn't able to hopefully this year I will be able to buy more things. One of the most exciting things I learned this year and by far my favorite was learning how to dye my own roving! A marvelous friend of mine who is also the friend who taught me how to knit and spin.:) taught me how to hand paint roving this year. We had a wonderful time doing it. She uses the Greener Shade Dyes which are non toxic and non acidic. I was able to paint 8 ounces of merino wool I split it in half so I could experiment with colors. The colors I used on the first I call shades of green, and the second is blues and teals and greens.  

Aren't the colors lovely?
And here is the other roving I hand painted!! 

I gave this one to my mom she loves green. :)

My mom really loved the roving that I gave her she can't wait to see it spun up. :) That was all I was able to do in the dyeing area but I'm hoping to be able to do more this year. I was able to purchase quite a bit of roving for spinning this last year and I have been busy spinning that up, well some of it. :)

This pattern is called Welcome Spring.

It will eventually have flowers under the bird house. And it will also have more birds.

  I have also been working on some cross stitching. I love cross stitch and this project is quite large. It has taken me over a year to complete almost one page of the pattern. But I haven't been working on it consistently. One of the knitting projects that I finished earlier this year was a wrap for my mom. I gave her the yarn as a mothers day present almost 2 years ago. I got the yarn from knit picks it is their Andean Silk yarn in Jade and Cream. It turned out lovely but unfortunately I don't have a picture of it, but hopefully soon I will.

Well that's all for now 2010 wasn't a very busy year in the knitting world for me but maybe 2011 will be.  I hope you had a marvelous new year.