Sunday, October 2, 2011

Well Hello!!

Its been awhile since I have put up a new post so there is lots to tell all of you!

I think I mentioned in a earlier post that I had finished my juneberry!! I finally took some pictures of it and I am excited to show you and hear what you think!

I love all the bobbles!

The edging is so beautiful!

I have also been busy washing some of the fiber I got in August at a fiber festival. A friend of mine came over and we washed some of her fiber and mine. We washed a merino, corridale, and dorset blend that we both had purchased I had a pound and my friend had a pound and a half and we washed some alpaca that my friend had brought along. we had a fun 2 days washing fiber and we were both very happy with how it turned out.

This is my merino, corridale, and dorset blend before it was washed.
All the fiber ready to be washed!! Some of the locks were very dirty so it took us awhile to pick out the majority of the veggie matter.

Soaking in the rinse water.

The alpaca all nice and clean!

The Alpaca after it dried.
I loved seeing the fiber as it was washed and then rinsed and then to see it dry.

I have also been knitting another reversible toy. I love how this one turned out I think its one of my favorites of all the ones I have made.

I hope you all are having a wonderful fall and that God is blessing your lives!

Farewell for now.

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